Sunday, September 9, 2007

Pics from the Military Honor Park Festival

These are just a few of the pics I took. The Honor Park is on the South Bend Regional Airports property. There is a museum, actual missels (demilitarized my grandpa assured me) and tanks, along with papers and buttons like you see below. Its a pretty cool place, full of a lot of history, and people that are more than willing to talk to you about any questions you might have. If you are interested, I have plenty more pics that I can put up for you.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty groovy chick

Angeline Rose Larimer said...

Cool. I had no idea this was up there.

fineartist said...

That next to the last pic with ol' Adolf in it made my stomach hurt. Oh man the power of images...

love, love, love,

Sassy said...


beckyboop said...

That is cool. I'm with Lori on the Hitler pic. I learned about some WAR history this weekend as well.

I went to visit the "Moving Vietnam Wall War Memorial". It was pretty intense. I met several Vets with incredable stories. I even helped them tear down and pack it up. The Patriot Guard escorted it out of town as it was leaving.

Hell, I outta post about it.


Rain said...

Hi Sweetie, How are you? I've missed you.