Sunday, January 7, 2007

I've been talking to my cousin Brandy lately. We go through phases where we talk a lot, then we dont. Almost my entire family is like that. I dont know why. Anyways, we talked about a LOT of stuff. She opened my eyes about someone in my family. Someone I was previously close to, someone I am soooo disappointed in. But I dont want to violate the privacy of my family. She also has a way of making me feel good about myself. I think she is a strong, beautiful woman, and when she tells me that she thinks im beautiful, I believe her. She says she sees not just the outer physical beauty of someone, but also the inner. She says that I'm real, and good and caring and just beautiful in more ways than one. She made me cry a bit. Now, my mom and sister tell me Im beautiful all the time, but its different with them. I feel they HAVE to say it, but Brandy doesnt. She doesnt have to say that at all. She has a wonderful husband and a beautiful little boy. My cousin Julian, Im sure you remember my posts about him. He was born with the valves in his heart going in the wrong direction, or something like that. Basically it wasnt circulating his oxygen properly. He had to have two surgeries. One emergency "patch" job that temporarily corrected it until he was bigger, and then the permanent surgery. He came through both with flying colors, AND he wont have permanent scarring. He wont remember a thing! We recently celebrated his first birthday. Heres a pic of him with his daddy, Jessie. Arent they both so handsome??

There was really, absolutely NO point to this post, but my convo with her was on my mind so I decided to write it down...LOL


Sassy said...

You are a beautiful person, Pearl. People tell me im beautiful, but I just don't feel it. It never hurts to hear that from the ones you love.

That baby is so damn adorable! :)

Holly said...

Believe me, your mom and sister do not have to tell you anything, let alone that you're beautiful, so please, believe them when they say it, too.

Because you are beautiful. And not one of those "oh, she's pretty in her own way" sort of things.

Really, truly, beautiful.

And thanks for the new blog address. :)

Holly said...

Pearl, where the heck are ya? I know I commented on this post, but I don't see my comment. I didn't offend, did I? I surely hope not. Maybe you've just been busy and haven't had time to approve it.

Anyway, we're missin ya. And wondering if you've found any dead homeless people stuffed in manholes lately?

Hmmm? Have ya?

: ) : ) : )

fineartist said...

Oh hon, you are beautiful, you sexy bag of woman candy you!

And I thought I was at your new blog when I posted my last comment to you, I am so adle brained lately.

Those are two mighty fine lookin' men in that there photo, mighty fine!
