Saturday, January 27, 2007

Okay everyone. My old blog is retired. Im not gonna delete it, as Im fond of it, but its time for something new......someone I didnt want to has been reading it, and I just didnt feel I could post what I wanted to on it. I accidently posted that last one (the one with the cute sign) on my old blog, and it was meant to be on here....i dont know how that happened, but oh well....does anyone know how to put a site meter on the new blogger?? The directions didnt make sense...


My moms party is on the third of February...I'm a little miffed cos my Aunt Nita invited someone that neither me, my mom, my dad or my bro and sis in law like.....I want to tell her shes not invited but its complicated. See, her sister used to date my cousin, and she somehow became a part of the family cos my aunt and grandma love her, even though shes a total bitch. I love her sister, and was sad when her and my cousin broke up. They had been together for a long "the bitch" as I call her, is cleaning my cousins house, doing his laundry, cooking for him, driving his truck and she has a joint account with him. She is going behind her sisters back and telling everyone her business. It pisses me off and just shows me what kind of a person she is. But shes still loved by my aunt and grandma. The party for my mom is at the VFW where my aunt and grandma are major members who hold offices. How the hell am I gonna tell my aunt the bitch isnt invited without causing trouble?? Any advice?? (told you it was kinda complicated, LOL)


Angeline Rose Larimer said...

No advice to give. Just sympathy. Does your Mom get along with her? How long can you hold your breath and bite your tongue?
Too late to schedule another SECRET party?? :) Sorry, my ideas never involve confrontation. That just never works for me.
*I need to scroll down and see what the party's for.

beckyboop said...

No easy way. You just need to be the bigger person. I always try to give everyone the benefit of doubt. If they piss me off, I let them know. Most of the time I try to make it constructive.

If ya want, just ignore her and maybe she won't come to any other family gatherings.

Regardless of bitch, have a good time. Happy birthday to your momma.

XXOO, Becky