Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Its been over a month since Joe and I split up. I think I am doing ok. I had my moments, and still do sometimes. Sometimes I get so flipping lonely that I want to tear my hair out and scream. I am assuming that is pretty normal post break up behavior. I have been spending more time with my mom and brother lately. I went to my moms for dinner after work yesterday and had a really good time. I miss that.

I realized the other day that I had withdrawn from a lot of things BEFORE Joe and I split....I wondered why and did some self reflection and realized that I did it because I wanted to avoid fighting with Joe after he got drunk. You see, Joe in an alcoholic. I knew that a long time ago. He knew it too and told me once that he was worried that he would turn into his father. I tried to support him, tried to get him into AA or something similar. He wouldn't do it. I had no idea what to do in a situation like that except try and avoid situations where there might be alcohol present. Which was hard as all our friends and family drink socially.

I completely lost my taste for alcohol during all of this. I would avoid going to see my fave local band, Forever Gypsy, avoided going to parties and events with my friends, just so we wouldn't fight. He never knew when to stop drinking and when I was ready to go, or told him he had enough, he would get mad and act like a fricking child and it was soooo embarassing and frustrating and scary. I never knew what to do, I couldn't calm him down for anything and in the end he usually got his way, or we had a screaming match and we would drive away squealing the tires on our blazer and stay away for an hour or to make a long story short (too late, lol) I had withdrawn a lot. Its hard to get back in the swing of things. Saturday I went to a bar to see the band play and I was tense for a lot of it until I realized what I was doing. I was waiting for a fight that wasn't going to come. So I relaxed and started dancing a bit with my bar friends. It was nice and I'm glad that I was able to loosen up a bit.

I still miss Joe and probably always will a little bit as he was my first serious relationship and my first love, but I think I will miss the IDEA of what I thought he was, not who he really was deep down. Its going to take me awhile, but I am healing and feeling a bit better every day.


Anonymous said...

It's amazing what men will do to a womans self worth isn't it? Rat bastards. Well, I guess we can't blame the men for all of it. I mean it IS OUR life right. But dammit, if they weren't such....ooops...sorry, going off the deep end..
Get back to YOU chick. Cuz YOU rock!
I do hope things get easier (they will!). I hope they get easier FASTER! and SOONER!

Sassy said...

So the true colors of Joe finally came out? He sounds like the guy I'm currently dating. Man, I'm a dumbass.

But you...don't beat yourself up. I'm glad you got rid of him. It's not Joe you miss, it's having someone that you miss. Like you said, "what you thought he was". We all want love and someone to be with. None of us want to be alone. We try to create things, only to find out we can create what wasn't ever there.

It will get even better. Glad you are rid of him. Like Jess said, you rock!


Angeline Rose Larimer said...

You sound good.
Keep hanging in there.
Glad you're going out and having some fun.
My first...Ugh..."love" still stalks my blog (and harasses Coyote).
The best thing about that relationship is that I figured out what I couldn't live with.
I know how you feel about always being on your guard that a fight's coming. That's the biggest thing I could spend the rest of my life feeling. That, and having my friends insulted.
A man who isolates you from your friends is not the right man.
You need your friends and family even in an awesome relationship.
Good guys get that.
Keep holding out for the real thing.
You deserve it.
(So does Sassy.)

Lavinia said...

Slowly, gradually, day by day, it will get better, I think, and the loneliness will subside. Stay active and social and do your best to have fun. You are young and this is the time...

fineartist said...

This is such a healthy piece of writing Pearl, I'm very proud of you and I know you're gonna be just fine.